Community Radios have been broadcasting various programs 160 hours a day for tackling the 2nd Wave of COVID-19 pandemic and Info-demic by following the government instructions.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has been exploring and sharing the updated information and materials needed by the radio stations. The content of the program motivates community people to stay at home and be safe, Take COVID–19 vaccine immediately, avoid gathering, wear the mask, wash hands frequently etc.
Community Radio broadcasts are a useful means to share community information, especially to the most remote populations. In rural Bangladesh, people depend on it as their primary source of information.
Since the Lockdown is going on and the community radio stations have been broadcasting COVID-19 related program through community service announcement (CSA) Radio Spots, Jingle, Drama, magazine, interviews of Upazila and District Corona Prevention Committee, District and Upazila Administration, and vaccination team on COVID-19 and community people’s voices too.
Community Radio broadcasters are working by maintaining a close liaison with the Local Corona Committees, Communities, District, and Upazila Administration for updates. Community Radios have restricted visitors entry in the premises, make the security alert, monitored body temperature of broadcasters, and disinfecting equipment and other accessories frequently and regularly.
The Community Radios are a Broadcasting program with special emphasis to provide COVID-19 vaccine to the disadvantaged and marginalized community people and ensure government incentive package for the most vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized community during the lockdown.
Community peoples are making phone calls and sending SMS during the live broadcasting to share their queries. They are maintaining social distancing, handwashing with soap, and avoiding all public gatherings. National print and online dailies have published the initiatives that are fostering by the community Radios to prevent the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic.
BNNRC has been working for adaptation and coping with the new normal situation of COVID-19 pandemic demands and reset new objectives to enhance the capabilities of affected communities through an equity lens for adapting, coping, surviving with the new normal situation. Focus on enhanced capabilities of Broadcasters and Stakeholders for exercising new normal and building resilience. Follow an innovative and articulate multidimensional approach to overcome the impact. Effective access to Information and Communication Technology and media for countering info-demic and for keeping lives & livelihood easy providing reliable information.
It would be mentioned that Community Broadcasters struggling to survive the COVID-19 crisis: actions needed to support them from the Government and Private sector.
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